Power of Attorney Disputes
Toronto Estate Lawyers Assisting with Power of Attorney Disputes
Individuals granted power of attorney over someone’s affairs, also known as substitute decision-makers, are responsible for managing the financial affairs of a person who is incapable of doing so themselves. An attorney/substitute decision maker is appointed by the person whose affairs they are responsible for (the “grantor”) prior to that person losing their decision making capacity. This is in contrast a guardian for property, who is appointed by a court.
It is crucial to be careful and strategic when making power of attorney decisions. An improperly chosen attorney can have serious implications for the grantor and their estate. Attorneys sometimes do not have the requisite skill and knowledge to make decisions in the best interest of the grantor. At other times, attorneys abuse their power or act in their own self-interest.
If you are the friend or loved one of a grantor and are concerned about the appointed attorney, the experienced estate lawyers at Eisen Law in Toronto can help you navigate your options. We have many years of experience with helping families make sure that the interests and rights of their loved ones are protected.
Power of Attorney in Ontario
Based on the Substitute Decisions Act, a person with power of attorney over property has the authority to make financial decisions in the best interest of the individual who granted the power of attorney, or the “grantor”, including making decisions such as:
- Managing the grantors investments and other financial decisions;
- Managing the grantor’s household and other bills and ensuring expenses are paid on time;
- Managing the grantor’s budget.
Power of attorney is generally granted while the grantor still has the capacity to make their own decisions.
Contact the Toronto Estate Lawyers at Eisen Law for assistance with Power of Attorney Disputes
At Eisen Law, our compassionate, empathetic, and forward-thinking estate lawyers will guide you through the emotional and often stressful process of substitute decision maker disputes and will loved one’s interests are protected. Call us at 416-591-9997 or contact us online: we offer free initial consultations, and will do our best to ensure you can easily access the legal advice that you need.